Apologetics: The Basics
Session 13 – Genesis and the Age of the Universe

Ten Things I Believe About Religion, Science, and the age of the Universe

I could be wrong…feel free to disagree

  1. The doctrines of inspiration, inerrancy and infallibility means nature, scripture will always agree

Nature should always = Scripture

     Science is man’s interpretation of Nature
     Religion is man’s interpretation of Scripture

So…when Science is NOT = Religion,
    The question is which interpretation has he blown

2) This is NOT a salvation or orthodoxy issue… avoid those who think so…

3) Our commitment is not to a particular interpretation, BUT TO THE TRUTH

     Am I a “Compromiser”?

4) This is NOT about Biblical inerrancy

     I know many Old Earthers, ALL believe in the doctrine of inerrancy

The old earth view seems to fit the evidence better and causes no problem with the Bible.” – Norm Geisler

5) This IS about Biblical interpretation

     Yom: like DAY, 3 meanings (daytime, 24 hours, era)
1. Genesis 2:4
2. Joshua 24:7 yom = ‘long time’
     3 Biblical Evidences for Old
          1. Psalms 90:4 a thousand years are like a ‘day’
          1. Sabbath
          2. Romans 5:12
          3. etc.
             – I personally find none of the objections persuasive

6) The Scientific evidence overwhelmingly says OLD

 …there are honest, sincere, very intelligent Christian scientists who believe there is enough evidence to doubt the billions conclusion…AND I WOULD LOVE FOR THEM TO BE RIGHT…

     BUT…The evidence is so bad that pretty much NO ONE comes to this conclusion BASED JUST ON THE EVIDENCE

Talk radio host John Stewart asked John Morris in my presence if he or any of his associates had ever met or heard of a scientist who became convinced that the earth or universe is only thousands of years old based on scientific evidence, without any reference to a particular interpretation of the Bible. Morris answered honestly, “no”. Stewart has since asked other prominent young-universe proponents, and the answer has been a consistent: no.” – Hugh Ross,CAT,p118

Seems to me…this is the same thing Darwinists dostart with your conclusion then interpret All the evidence so it supports the conclusion you started with

7) a dogmatic YE view leads to profound issues with believers, unbelievers and the culture

Believers…separate mind from faith, can’t trust the Bible

Un-Believers… truth is not found in Christianity, can’t get past page 1

It would be easier to believe in a flat earth than to believe the universe
is 6,000 years old.” – Nobel Laureate Murray Gell-Mann to the Supreme Court

Galileo for example…Galileo was ex-communicated by the leadership in the Catholic Church for claiming the earth revolved around the sun, because that contradicted Scripture. What it contradicted was not Scripture, but their interpretation of Scripture. While we are confident that Scripture is inerrant, our interpretation of it may not always be so. And we should never use Scripture to counter science anyway. Imagine the impact of our ability to witness to the truths of the Christian faith if we insisted today that the Bible DOES say the earth is the center of the universe!   

     “Is the Age question the modern day equivalent of an earth centric universe?”

8) The problem is not the belief, it’s the dogmatism


9) we don’t have time to cover in depth but…Same issue with flood

Quotes from Genesis 7:19-23

Reference Genesis 41:57, 1Kings 10:24, and Romans 1:8

Reference Genesis 8:5 and 8:9

Flood view with the understanding scripture and nature must agree: the flood was ‘worldwide’ in that it reached as far as all mankind…but it was not global

10) Two observations from Genesis 1

     Scientific method…point of view (PoV) is critical…what is the PoV of Genesis 1? See  verse 2

If the PoV of Genesis 1 is the surface of the earth, this changes EVERYTHING

About Verse 16

3 verb tenses in OT Hebrew…in progress, completed, command

“God made…” is past tense with no indication of time passage,
could have been 4 seconds or 4 billion years

Consider verse 16 as a parenthetical note…here is WHY God made the sun,
moon and stars long ago

Based on these two views…in brief, what Genesis 1 tells us is…

There was an instant of creation
The earth was initially dark and covered with water
The earths atmosphere gradually begins to allow light thru
The upper atmosphere developed and the water cycle began
Land masses formed
Vegetation grew
The earths atmosphere became transparent
Ocean life proliferated
Land life proliferated
Human life began


     How did the Genesis author know all this thousands of years ago?

Benefits of this view: Respects both science AND faith
     Not threatened by every science discovery or article
     Don’t get trapped explaining how dinosaurs lived with men a few thousand yrs ago
     Or how we see the Andromeda Galaxy from 2 million LY away

Genesis 1 becomes a source of strength


From an evangelical, Biblical and scientific perspective I think the only reasonable conclusion, as the evidence stands today, is the earth is billions of years old. I will be thrilled to change my viewpoint when the evidence warrants.

Having a young earth view is something many intelligent, principled Christians hold. But, IMO, the price for a dogmatic young earth view is just way too high.


Remember Galileo.

If you are a YE proponent, my suggestion, my plea, is not that you abandon your belief but simply couch it with a little humility…”I believe the earth is young and would be happy to explain to you why, but there are many very intelligent believers who believe the earth is old and they have some good arguments. Faith in Jesus is completely separate from this issue.”

I could be wrong but I hope you understand what I believe and why I believe it.

A Matter of Days – Hugh Ross
Genesis, Science and the Beginning – Ben Smith

Ken Ham
Jonathon Sarfati
Henry and John Morris
Answers In Genesis
Institute for Creation Research

Know what you believe
Know why you believe it