Apologetics: The Basics
Session 2 – Introduction, Part Two

1. Apologetics: Defending the Faith
2. Benefits

  • Believers
  • Kids
  • Non-Believers
  • Culture

3. Church’s Great Blunder: Christianity as faith of the heart alone
– but Biblical faith is a matter of the heart AND THE MIND
4. Biblical Faithan active trust build on a foundation of truth
5. Jesus as Apologist
Even true today…don’t trust those who claim to speak for God but
can’t substantiate it
6. We present arguments and evidence but the ‘ultimate question‘ is…Who is Jesus?
If we are right, this is by far the most important question you will ever answer.

Apologetics Principles

“Faith in Christianity is based on evidence. It is reasonable Faith. Faith in the Christian sense goes beyond reason but not against it.” – Paul Little

The unique characteristic that distinguishes Christianity from all other religions is it is actually based on truth.

Thus, Christians, more than anyone, should be committed to intellectual honesty.

“We should never be afraid of truth.” – Steve Bingham

God has revealed himself to us through Scripture, through Nature and through personal revelation.

Every revelation from God is infallible and inerrant. (But our interpretation of it may not be so.)

“The best interpretation is the one that best explains all the evidence.” – Josh McDowell

“Unbelievers have good questions, Christians have good answers.” – Norm Geisler   

The goal of Christian apologetics is not to win an argument, but to bring others closer to the truth of Jesus Christ.

A theory is not an argument.

“Probability is the sole ground on which finite human beings can make any (rational) decisions.” – Josh McDowell

An honest, effective, complete search for truth will always end at a bloody cross and an empty tomb. 

Last 3 principles…the essence of apologetics, we’re all jurors in life…evaluating evidence

—On Being An Ambassador —

The following sections are brought to you by…
Greg Koukl
President, Stand To Reason, str.org

I Don’t Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist – Geisler and Turek
Ambassador Basic Curriculum – str.org

We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us.” 2Corinthians 5:20

Ambassador: one who represents another entity 

Characteristics of an ambassador

  • Knowledge
  • Wisdom
  • Character

Apologetics Tactics

Tactics are NOT tricks, BE SINCERE or move on

Always be ready to give a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you. However, do this with gentleness and respect. – 1 Peter 3:15

Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone. – Colossians 4:5-6

Tactic #1 Columbo: The one making the claim bears the burden of proof!

Step 1 Gain information, make sure you understand what the believe
Question: What do you mean by that?

Step 2 Reverse the burden of proof, make sure you understand why they believe it
Question: How did you come to that conclusion?
Beware the Professors Ploy

Step 3 Offer an alternative suggestion, help them see flaws in their thinking
Question: Have you ever considered…?

Remember…the one making the claim bears the burden of proof!

Know WHAT you believe!
Know WHY you believe!
Expect others to do the same!

Tactic #2 Suicide: Some statements are self-refuting

Examples of Self-Refuting Statements

  • I can’t speak a word of English.
  • Never use the word never.
  • Intolerant people should never be tolerated.

What’s wrong with the following:

  • There is no such thing as truth.
  • We can’t know anything about God.
  • Science is the only way to know if something is true.

Tactic #3 Taking the Roof Off: Showing a logical conclusion to an argument that is unacceptable to the one making the argument

Examples of Reductio ad Absurdum Arguments

  • Natural Homosexuality.
  • Modified Pro-Choice.

Tactic #4 Steamroller: Dealing with aggressive talkers

  • Politely ask for a fair hearing
    • (optional) use shame
  • Politely decline to continue

Next Session: we begin our case FOR the Christian faith…4 Points


Know WHAT you believe!
Know WHY you believe!